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Moran accepting internship applications

Congressman Jerry Moran recently announced he is accepting applications for congressional internships in his Washington, D.C., Hays, Hutchinson, and Salina offices for the spring 2009 term.

“My own interest in public service was sparked by a congressional internship in1974,” Moran said. “As an intern, I was able to see firsthand how a congressional office operates and observe the legislative process. These same opportunities are available to Kansans who intern in my office.”

The goal of the congressional internship is to give young adults the opportunity to participate in public service. Applications for the spring are due by Nov. 14. Intern responsibilities include assisting Moran and his staff with legislative and administrative projects. The spring internship session begins in January and ends in May.

To apply for an internship, students should submit a completed application form, cover letter, resume, college transcript, and three letters of reference. The cover letter should explain the student’s interest in public service and the goal the student hopes to achieve by participating.

Application forms can be obtained under the “services” section of Moran’s website at To assure timely receipt of the application, students are encouraged to fax applications to (202) 225-5124. If unable to fax, mail them to Moran’s Hutchinson office, Attn.: Intern Coordinator, P.O. Box 1128, Hutchinson, KS 67504. Students may call 225-2715 for more information.