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Mark Zuckerberg's facebook page hacked

By ANI | ANI – Wed, 26 Jan 3:41 AM EST
Sydney, Jan 26 (ANI): It looks like Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's fan page has been targeted by hackers, who penned a message from the billionaire himself suggesting the social networking site be turned into a charity-focused business.

Although the message was swiftly removed, technology website TechCruch said it had captured a screen shot of the message that had already attracted 1803 likes and 438 comments, reports the Sydney Morning Herald.

The idealistic comment began with the words: "Let the hacking begin" and contained a link to a Wikipedia page about social businesses with references to Nobel prize winner Muhammad Yunus.

"If facebook needs money, instead of going to the banks, why doesn't Facebook let its users invest in Facebook in a social way?" read part of the message.

Facebook has not yet responded to inquiries about the comment or its origins, but the social networking site has recently been the target of criticism owing to the escalating number of scams tailored specifically to its members.

Paul Ducklin, head of technology for Sophos Asia Pacific said fan pages such as Zuckerberg's often granted a large number of company staff the ability to log in.

"Even if everybody with access to the page is straight-as-a-die honest, they could be keylogged, accidentally leave the page logged in, and all sorts of other things could go horribly wrong. The chain is only as strong as weakest link," he said.

"Facebook does like to be compared to a country, but the flip side of that is how you actually provide for your citizens in terms of things like a bill of rights or a police service.

"If they set higher standards - for example requiring application developers to identify themselves in a way that is likely to be traceable - that would be slightly less convenient and less open but would be hell of a lot better for its 500 million strong community," added Ducklin. (ANI)