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Is it true that jewelry enhances a woman's charm?

Quality jewelry for men and women
Wearing jewelry is as old as humanity. For centuries, women have always believed in the power (magic?) of Jewelry. For some, it is a way to express themselves silently while for others it is a way to attract the opposite sex. In some cultures, the wearing of jewelery is a rationale for one's financial resources. For example, in India, the greater amount of jewelry a woman wears the more she is respected by her peers. The ability of a man to care for his wife is measured by the amount of jewelry that he can offer her before he marries her. Anyway, it is better than a woman is well dressed and wear jewelry because it reassures her. Regarding men, the trends arebeing reversed. Today, men feel more comfortable to wear jewelry. A variety of jewelry are offered to men. Women are less likely to judge a man who wears a chain or a
bracelet. Gold jewelry is still popular with the majority of women but some also wear jewelry in stainless steel, silver and even copper or bronze.