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Business term of the day - Term for June 24, 2013: «Business Process Modeling»

Business process modeling - ENLARGE PHOTO
Business Process Modeling (BPM) in systems engineering is the activity of representing processes of an enterprise, so that the current process may be analyzed and improved. BPM is typically performed by business analysts and managers who are seeking to improve process efficiency and quality. The process improvements identified by BPM may or may not require information technology involvement, although that is a common driver for the need to model a business process, by creating a process master. Business process modeling results in the improvement of the way tasks performed by the business. They can pick up errors or cons about the way processes are currently being performed and model an improved way of carrying out these processes.

Change management programs are typically involved to put the improved business processes into practice. With advances in technology from large platform vendors, the vision of BPM models becoming fully executable (and capable of simulations and round-trip engineering) is coming closer to reality.
Source: Wikipedia