Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Business term of the day - Term for June 14, 2013: Dividend

A share of the after-tax profit of a company, distributed to its shareholders according to the number and class of shares held by them. Smaller companies typically distribute dividends at the end of an accounting year, whereas larger, publicly held companies usually distribute it every quarter. The amount and timing of the dividend is decided by the board of directors, who also determine whether it is paid out of current earnings or the past earnings kept as reserve. Holders of preferred stock receive dividend at a fixed rate and are paid first. Holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive any amount of dividend, based on the level of profit and the company's need for cash for expansion or other purposes. Corporate legislation ...

Usage Example
Indeed, the combination of a ten-year option, a low dividend payout, and compound interest can provide lush gains to a manager who has done no more than tread water in his job.   
Source: Are Management's Compensation Plans Aligned with Shareholder Interest?