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Business term of the day - Term for September 3, 2013: «Concern (Business)»

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Source: Wikipedia
A concern (German: Konzern, Cyrillic: Концерн) is a type of business group common in Europe, particularly in Germany. It results from the merger of several legally independent companies into a single economic entity under unified management. These associated companies are called "Group" companies.

A Group consists of a parent company and one or more subsidiaries. One particular form of the way a Group is organized is the Holding Organisation.

Outside of professionals, the term Group, also mistakenly within the meaning of large companies – regardless of its corporate structure – is understood.

The Group concept is one of anti-trust relevance: the so-called Group privilege, the privilege of the consolidated Group companies involved, means that in itself, prohibition included practices did not violate German or European Commission (EC) anti-trust law. On the other hand, the group concept in Banking Act in the formation of borrower unit and particularly of the large credit limits of paramount importance.