Financial services grow but profits and staffing fall
Jan 10 2011
By Sion Barry, Western Mail
THE UK’s financial services sector grew strongly in the last quarter of 2010.
However, despite growth for the second quarter in a row, profitability did not increase as fast as expected, growing at the slowest pace for 18 months, and numbers employed in the sector fell at the fastest pace for 17 years, according to the latest CBI/PwC Financial Services Survey.
Asked how their business volumes fared in the three months to December, 50% said that volumes increased and 23% said they fell. The resulting balance of plus 27% is in line with firms’ expectation (plus 24%), and just below last quarter’s balance of plus 28%, which was the fastest since June 2007. A slower rate of growth in volumes is expected in the next three months (plus 15%).
Business volumes grew for all sub-sectors of financial services in the past quarter, apart from banking where volumes were flat. Life insurers saw a year of growth in 2010 for volumes of business and profitability. For investment managers, all respondents saw activity grow in the past three months.
Across each of the customer groups in the overall survey experience was mixed. For business with private individuals, volumes were higher than three months ago.
Business with industrial and commercial companies was flat, and it fell slightly with financial institutions and overseas customers. In the coming quarter, growth in business activity is expected with all the customer groups, except financial institutions.
The value of fee, commission and premium income held steady in the past three months, disappointing expectations of a rise. However, the value of income from net interest, investment and trading fell in the quar- ter and a further fall is expected in the next three months.
John Cridland, CBI director- general designate, said: “Activity in the financial services sector grew strongly over the second half of 2010. But firms see growth slowing over the coming three months, and expect another fairly moderate increase in profitability.
“Numbers employed have fallen significantly and investment plans have weakened since September. This probably reflects renewed cost control given little growth in incomes and slower growth in profitablity.
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“Business conditions vary across financial services sub-sectors, however. Whereas the banks expect business volumes to remain subdued next quarter, securities traders and investment managers have fared much better and are continuing to take on staff.
“Growth in business with private individuals in the last quarter may well reflect households continuing to strengthen their finances. But, looking ahead to the next quarter, commercial business is expected to increase significantly.”
For the building society sector, profitability rose strongly for the second consecutive quarter, driven by growth in business volumes and income values. Another increase in profits is predicted for the next three months.
Andrew Gray, UK banking leader at PwC, said: “Despite subdued business levels, the banks are more confident than they have been at any point since 2005 in anticipation of stronger commercial demand. On the retail side, while banks are in good shape and able to lend more, actual demand is still faltering. Faced with weak demand for new mortgages and growing customer desire to pay down debt, banks will continue to find it difficult to raise margins – though they should benefit from reduced bad debts.
“While almost all banks expect compliance spend to climb this year, they intend to reduce overall costs putting headcount under continued pressure.
“Focus on balance sheet management as the sole priority seems to have come to an end, allowing more focus on market positioning and business retention. Falling activity with financial institutions suggests some banks are now able to be more self-sufficient and have more stable longer-term funding and reduced reliance on the inter-bank market.
“Building societies fared better than expected at the end of last year with higher reported business volumes and stronger income levels. The most likely explanation for increasing profitability is the value of non-performing loans, which the market views as unlikely to continue.”