Sunday, January 09, 2011
AMHERST - The University of Massachusetts has been ranked one of the 100 best values in public colleges in Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine. By DIANE LEDERMAN
UMass was ranked 83rd in value for in-state students and 59th for out-of-state students.
Last year, the university was ranked 79th and 49th respectively.
Kiplinger looked at more than 500 public institutions to compile its ranking, according to its website.
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Kiplinger stated that they use admission rate, test scores of incoming freshmen, and four- and six-year graduation rates and then add cost data - including tuition, fees, room and board, and financial aid for in-state and out-of-state students to rank schools.
"It is this combination of academic quality and affordability - not any desire on our part to exclude a particular school - that determines which schools make our lists for best value," Kiplinger stated.
The top ranked school was the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Total in-state cost there was $17,000.
The cost for attending UMass for in-state students is $22,071, according to the report.
The least expensive college was the University of North Carolina at Asheville for an in-state cost of $12,762 and a ranking of 58th for in-state students.
The most costly was the University of California, Los Angeles, at $27,210 and a ranking of 13th.
The University of Connecticut at Storrs was ranked 32nd with a cost of $21,998 for in-state students.
To see the rankings visit